Sunday, April 24, 2011

My First Attempt to Make a Blog....

So.. This is my first time to make a blog. Well, i did have a LiveJournal (which i rarely update due to lack of friends who use LJ), but i mostly use my LJ account for joining some manga community, so... yeah, just say that i only open it for browsing new manga and anime updates (^^;;)

Actually, I think my friends (well, my LXO friends to be exact) are using this more than LJ for updating their activities, so I though why not join it?

I do hope this blog won't be neglected like my LJ though (^^;)


  1. Hurray for nacchan's new blog :D Need I say I lurves teh pink?
    Looking forward to moar posts ^^

  2. Grats for the new blog nacchan!! *throw confetti* xD

  3. waaa...!!thanks nikichan n wichan :D
