I already tried these two recipe, and honestly it's so simple and easy, but you must be careful on some steps,because a little mistake and the food will be ruined. But don't worry, I'll give you some tricks and tips for that stage based on my experience and mistakes when i made them. So, enjoy!
Custard Vla for Pudding
This is the common vla for pudding, and it's the exact taste like the one in Holland Bakery if you buy the coffee pudding and get the vla.
- 6 egg yolks
- 6 tbsp of sugar
- 500ml milk
- vanilla essence*
How to:
- Beat the egg yolks with the sugar, set aside
- put in a bit of vanilla essence to the milk,and bring it to boil
- pour the milk into the egg miexture while whisking it (don't stop whisking it,otherwise the egg will be boiled and the mixture will be failed)
- reheat the mixture over medium-low heat for a few seconds (approx. 7 seconds) until it about to start shimmering,then turn it off
- quickly transfer the custard into a bowl through a sieve (in case you don't know what is sieve,it's saringan in indonesia :P). you don't want it to be too late,or the egg will be boiled and it become scrambled egg instead of custard vla.
- don't worry if you think the vla is not thick enough to your taste. the vla will be thicken after it cooled down.
*The vanilla essence really make the difference in taste. I've tried making it without vanilla essence, and it taste a bit of egg, but when we put in vanilla essence, the taste become nicer it it smells better. so definitely put it in! :D
NB: you can add some rhum for a variance. it taste good (^.^)y
Custard Pudding
They are specialized in japanese cuisine
I rewrite the recipe because i think it's better,but you can also use the original recipe instead :D
- 8 tbsp of sugar
- water
- 2 eggs
- 5 tbsp sugar
- 250ml milk
- vanilla essence
- like the custard vla, this pudding also has a little taste of raw egg, so put in a vanilla essence to the pudding mixture is a good option
- if you don't have unsalted butter, salted butter is also fine.it doesn't make any difference.just don't put it too much.as long as it covers the molds then it's okay
- to make the caramel sauce, when it starts to become yellow color, turn it to low heat, and when it starts become brown color,quickly turn off the stove and add some the hot water,then put it into the mold fast
- you might think that the caramel is becoming solid in the molder,but don't worry.once the pudding is ready, the caramel is melted on it's own and it looks exatly like the video
- instead of aluminium foil, you can use anything to cover the molds. the point is to make the pudding not becoming hard on the surface,so anything is fine (you can use small plate to cover it too) as long as it cover the surface
- you don't have to cook the same way as the video above if you find it more troublesome, just steam it like when you usually steam other meal. but it may takes a longer time (around 35-40 mins), and the pudding is not as smooth as above, it'll have some little hole, but taste the same. if you don't really mind the appearance, this option is definitely easier (cause you can steam many puddings at the same time, while the video above is eating more space to cook it and you might take a turn to cook the pudding if you don't have enough space)
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